COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) beckons us all to be active, thoughtful, and careful to minimize community spread.
Below, please read and review new office policies which will be implemented once I begin to see children and families for in-person services. I plan to enforce each of these policies strictly to ensure the health and safety of everyone.
I am taking the following precautions to protect my patients and their families, and to help slow the spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19:
I will wear a mask in my suite at all times when others are present.
I am currently not allowing any patients/families to bring additional guests scheduled appointments. Similarly, I am not utilizing the "secondary treatment room" for siblings or other family members at this time (to ensure greater sanitation and safety for all).
I have removed all magazines and reading materials from the waiting room to be extra cautious. [If you would like to bring your own reading materials, I would encourage you to do so (with the understanding that I would like for you to bring them home with you after each visit).]
I am staggering visit times to try to limit contact between families in and out of my suite. If you arrive for your visit early, please do not enter the suite until your visit time (no more than 5 minutes early) to limit contact between individuals and families. [This may mean staying in your car or taking a walk outside together until your scheduled visit time.]
I am providing tissues and hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol content) throughout the office, as long as I am able.
I have trash bins throughout the suite which are easily accessed, and trash is disposed of on a regular basis.
Restroom soap dispensers (restrooms located on the second floor) should be maintained and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands. [If soap dispensers are not maintained please let me know as soon as possible and I will inform building management.]
Weather permitting, I plan to open the office windows to help increase ventilation. I also plan to utilize an air purifier in the treatment room (as able and appropriate) to assist in removing potential contaminants from the suite.
To reduce contact, I am not currently collecting in-person payments during visits, and am not currently accepting payment via cash or check. Instead, I will invoice each family electronically via Square following each visit (please make sure you have completed a Square, Inc. consent form prior to your child's scheduled visit - if you need one please let me know and I will be happy to send one along). All families should have the option of receiving an electronic receipt for each transaction via Square.
I currently am not providing in-office toys for families to use. [I encourage you to bring your own toys from home into session for children to play with, with the understanding that all toys must be brought home at the end of each visit.]
I am sanitizing hard surfaces such as doorknobs, arm rests, light switches, doorbell, clipboards, and pens, as well as some soft surfaces (i.e., couch, chairs) on a regular basis and at the end of each business day.
I have re-arranged my office furniture (waiting room and therapy room) as best as possible to help maintain social distancing requirements.
I (and all parties) will maintain safe distancing at all times. Physical contact is not permitted.
I will continue to encourage open communication between all parties as issues may arise and as we all navigate through these unfamiliar circumstances.
I ask that you and your child/families take the following precautions to help protect yourselves, other families, and to help slow the spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19:
If you or your child have been into contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is showing symptoms of COVID-19, and/or if you or your child are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms (particularly fever of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or above, cough, shortness of breath; any two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat), I ask that you please cancel your appointment prior to coming (without penalty). I want everyone to stay safe and healthy. Telehealth visits likely will still be available - please check with me on this possibility.
I will need you to complete, sign, date, and return the Informed Consent for In-Person Services During the COVID-19 Crisis to me before you and your child attend your first scheduled in-person visit.
I ask that all family members attending a visit clean your hands regularly - especially before coming into a visit and after using the restroom(s). I also suggest that all family members use clothing to cover your hand when opening or closing door handles, and try to avoid touching your face as much as possible.
Upon entering my office suite, please use hand sanitizer (as long as it is available) – only one pump per person, please, so there is enough for everyone!
Please take your temperature after using hand sanitizer, upon entering my office suite. I will ask for everyone to tell me their temperature (and I will record this confidentially) before each visit. [I regularly will be taking my own temperature as well!]
Please sneeze and cough into your elbow, and discard all used tissues into the trash.
While it may be difficult for us all, I will ask that no one please shake my hand, give me a hug, or engage in any other physical contact in-session. (Please know it’s not that I don’t want to - but that I am trying to be extra cautious about everyone's safety at this time!)
Please keep your hands down from your face. If you accidentally touch your face, please wash your hands immediately.
Please wear a mask at all times (covering your mouth and nose fully) when in my office suite.
Please attempt to maintain a sitting distance of at least 6 feet from others (outside of your own family) as best as possible in the waiting room.
Parents/legal guardians, please help me enforce each of the above guidelines not only for yourself, but also for your child(ren).
Thank you very much to you all for your patience, flexibility, and understanding!
(Updated 6/18/2020)