When discussed in advance, I may be able to provide professional talks and/or workshops to on a variety of topics related to child and adolescent psychology.
I may be able to present to parents and other caregivers within the local community (may be free of charge). Further, I may be able to present lectures and/or workshops to agencies/organizations and/or other treatment providers (typically for a nominal fee); fees may be arranged directly between myself and the individual agency/organization prior to the date or presentation/workshop.
The following are topics on which I am able to present:
<> Anxiety in children and teens - What does it look like, different potential diagnoses, and how it may be addressed in treatment
<> ADHD in children and teens - What does it look like, common co-occurring conditions, how it may be addressed in treatment
<> Behavior management of young children - Based upon Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and other empirically-supported techniques, strategies that caregivers and/or school personnel may use to better manage younger children's behavior
<> Selective mutism - What is this diagnosis, how might it present in different environments, the importance of collaboration between professionals, how it may be addressed in treatment (including how school personnel may help address this concern in students)
<> Grief/Trauma in children and teens - Common signs and symptoms of trauma, mandated reporting, how to decrease symptoms in treatment
If you are interested in having me present to your group on a professional development topic related to child and adolescent psychology which is not listed above, please contact me to see if I may be able to present on your topic of interest.
If you would like to inquire about scheduling me for a talk, lecture, or workshop, please e-mail me directly (krork@rorkchildpsych.com) or submit a Comment via the "Contact Me" page on this website.